Basic Excel

This section explains the basics of Excel.

1 Ribbon: Excel selects the ribbon's Home tab when you open it. Learn how to use the ribbon.

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  1. Excel is a powerful application—but it can also be very intimidating. That’s why we’ve put together this beginner’s guide to getting started with Excel. It will take you from the very beginning (opening a spreadsheet), through entering and working with data, and finish with saving and sharing.
  2. When you are ready to create some math formulas, see Excel Math Basics. The Excel Worksheet (Spreadsheet) and Workbook. An Excel worksheet, or spreadsheet, is a two-dimensional grid with columns and rows. Look at the spreadsheet below. The column names are letters of the alphabet starting with A, and the rows are numbered chronologically.

Pick a cell, and then type an equal sign (=). That tells Excel that this cell will contain a formula. Type a combination of numbers and calculation operators, like the plus sign (+) for addition, the minus sign (-) for subtraction, the asterisk (.) for multiplication, or the forward slash (/) for division.

2 Workbook: A workbook is another word for your Excel file. When you start Excel, click Blank workbook to create an Excel workbook from scratch.


3 Worksheets: A worksheet is a collection of cells where you keep and manipulate the data. Each Excel workbook can contain multiple worksheets.

Basic Excel

4 Format Cells: When we format cells in Excel, we change the appearance of a number without changing the number itself.

Basic Excel

5 Find & Select: Learn how to use Excel's Find, Replace and Go To Special feature.

6 Templates: Instead of creating an Excel workbook from scratch, you can create a workbook based on a template. There are many free templates available, waiting to be used. Download free vts converter to aviunbound. Download download free pjsip codec priority.

Basic Excel Functions

7 Data Validation: Use data validation to make sure that users enter certain values into a cell.

8 Keyboard Shortcuts: Keyboard shortcuts allow you to do things with your keyboard instead of your mouse to increase your speed. Qld school fontsfont for thought.

Basic Excel 101


9 Print: This chapter teaches you how to print a worksheet and how to change print settings.

10 Share: Learn how to share Excel data with Word documents and other files.

11 Protect: Encrypt an Excel file with a password so that it requires a password to open it.