This section explains the basics of Excel.
1 Ribbon: Excel selects the ribbon's Home tab when you open it. Learn how to use the ribbon.
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- Excel is a powerful application—but it can also be very intimidating. That’s why we’ve put together this beginner’s guide to getting started with Excel. It will take you from the very beginning (opening a spreadsheet), through entering and working with data, and finish with saving and sharing.
- When you are ready to create some math formulas, see Excel Math Basics. The Excel Worksheet (Spreadsheet) and Workbook. An Excel worksheet, or spreadsheet, is a two-dimensional grid with columns and rows. Look at the spreadsheet below. The column names are letters of the alphabet starting with A, and the rows are numbered chronologically.
Pick a cell, and then type an equal sign (=). That tells Excel that this cell will contain a formula. Type a combination of numbers and calculation operators, like the plus sign (+) for addition, the minus sign (-) for subtraction, the asterisk (.) for multiplication, or the forward slash (/) for division.
2 Workbook: A workbook is another word for your Excel file. When you start Excel, click Blank workbook to create an Excel workbook from scratch.
3 Worksheets: A worksheet is a collection of cells where you keep and manipulate the data. Each Excel workbook can contain multiple worksheets.
4 Format Cells: When we format cells in Excel, we change the appearance of a number without changing the number itself.
Basic Excel
5 Find & Select: Learn how to use Excel's Find, Replace and Go To Special feature.
6 Templates: Instead of creating an Excel workbook from scratch, you can create a workbook based on a template. There are many free templates available, waiting to be used. Download free vts converter to aviunbound. Download download free pjsip codec priority.
Basic Excel Functions
7 Data Validation: Use data validation to make sure that users enter certain values into a cell.
8 Keyboard Shortcuts: Keyboard shortcuts allow you to do things with your keyboard instead of your mouse to increase your speed. Qld school fontsfont for thought.
Basic Excel 101
9 Print: This chapter teaches you how to print a worksheet and how to change print settings.
10 Share: Learn how to share Excel data with Word documents and other files.
11 Protect: Encrypt an Excel file with a password so that it requires a password to open it.