
You can use Hiri to connect to Exchange, Office365, or a Microsoft email account (Outlook.com, Live, Hotmail). Other email providers, such as Gmail, Yahoo, etc are currently not supported.

Installation instructions

Hiri is an enterprise email client designed from the ground up to help you get your email under control, improve the way you communicate, and give you the time to focus on the things that really matter. They are based in Ireland and recently graduated from the Telefonica supported Wayra Academey. Thoughts from the the team behind Hiri (www.hiri.com). HIRI members are as diverse as our offerings. With over 80 active company memberships (resulting in 1,500 individual members), our members include industry manufacturers, suppliers, publishers, technology firms and financial institutions, associations. Hiri is a new job board platform for Northern Ireland designed to make hiring and getting hired better. Form of Motu known as Hiri, or Police, Motu served as the language of the territorial constabulary. Tolai, spoken natively around the important harbour town of Rabaul on the island of New Britain, came under heavy contact influence from English in a 19th-century plantation setting. The result was a creolized.


Download the setup executable from the link above and run it. Simply follow the wizard to install the application.


  • On older versions of Windows (7, 8), if Hiri doesn't start, you might need to download and install Update for Universal C Runtime.
  • All versions of Windows from Windows 7 onwards are supported by Hiri.


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Installing snap package

If your system supports snap, the easiest way to install Hiri is:

sudo snap install hiri

Start Hiri by typing hiri on the terminal or using the desktop launcher.

Step-by-step instructions for installing Hiri snap

Installing from tarball

Download the tarball and extract it somewhere in your system. Open a terminal and navigate to the folder where you unpacked Hiri. Start Hiri with:


To start Hiri more easily, you can also create a desktop entry from Hiri by going to: SettingsGeneralCreate desktop entry. From then on, Hiri will appear in your launcher.



You'll first need to enable launching apps downloaded from the Web. Go to Privacy & SecurityAllow applications downloaded from, select Anywhere.

Download the DMG package from this page. Open the package and drag Hiri into the Applications folder. Once it is installed, you can launch it from Spotlight.

Note: if the application doesn't start the first time you click on it, you might have to right click on it in Applications and select Open.

Supported mail servers

Hiri works with Exchange servers (on-premise, Office365, Outlook.com, Live, Hotmail). All versions from Exchange 2010 SP1 and onwards are supported. Hiri doesn't work with other email providers such as Gmail, Yahoo, etc.

What's new?

The complete list of changes for the latest version can be found here.


Hiring 2019

You can trial a full version of Hiri for 7 days. After the trial period is up, you'll have to purchase Hiri to continue using it. See pricing page for more info on purchasing.

The full license text can be found here.

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